
"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas." ...GBS

21 July 2007

How to add music to a Powepoint presentation

Posted by Jaisal Abdurrahman

here you will learn how to add music or song to a power point presentation and how to get it to play across multiple slides.
(also see below How to Embed mp3 Sounds )

Step 1. Choose your file which u need to add power point presentation.
MP3 format is the better file format for power point presentation . This has the smallest file size. However there is one big problem with mp3 files that you can only link but not embed mp3 files into PowerPoint.

Step 2. Insert the music in your PowerPoint presentation.

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Then from the Files of Type drop down box select mp3 format.
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You will then get a message about how you want the music to start
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Step3 - Setting the music to play across multiple slides
A lot of people have asked if it is possible to keep the music playing across multiple slides- for example if you wanted to make a slide show of someone's life with music playing in the background - or it could be a useful feature at a trade show.
You do this using a feature called Custom Animation. Select your music file then Right click (not the usual left click) and select Custom Animation. You can do this by selecting Slide Show > Custom Animation
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How you do this depends upon which version of PowerPoint you are using.
For older versions of PowerPoint
Then select Multimedia Settings afterwards and make sure that you have selected While Playing >Continue Slide show You will then need to set the Stop Playing button and enter in the Stop Playing > After number slides the number of slides that you would like the music to play for.
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If you are using PowerPoint XP the procedure is slightly different
Custom Animation > Right Click on Media and select Effect Options
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You will then need to set the Stop Playing button and enter in the Stop Playing > After number slides the number of slides that you would like the music to play for.
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Step 4. (Almost there). How to embed music in your presentation
The last gotcha in the process is that the music may not be embedded in your PowerPoint presentation. This means that is you save your presentation onto a CD or you are to email it, then the music may not automatically go across. It all depends upon the file size of the music.
If you want the music to be embedded in the presentation you will need to follow a couple of steps.
1. Make sure your music is in WAV format (mp3 files can only be linked and not embedded)
2. Increase the value in the Link sounds with file size greater than box to a value greater than the file size of the MP3 file. For example if the file size is 4.5MB then you will need to include a value higher than 4500. A good general purpose size that should incorporate most song files is 6000 as most mp3 files are less than 6MB. Be careful as some classical music tracks could be longer than this.
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The only downside is that the file size of the final file could be quite large.
There is a 50 Mb limit for embedding WAV files. For eample if you had two WAV files of 34 MB the you will be able to embed them, but it would make your file size over 68MB.
The second question that we get asked ........

How to Embed mp3 Sounds
Most places will tell you that only wav files can be embedded in powerpoint. All other sound formats are linked. Since mp3 files can be 10 x smaller it would be very useful if you could embed them. Linked files can cause problems .
You can and here's how:
The technique is to add a header to the .mp3 file that will convince PowerPoint that it is actually a wav file. Although this will change the file name to "something.wav" the file remains an mp3 file, the same size as the original and will play in PowerPoint as an mp3 file. NOTE this only seems to work with PCs not with Macs.
You will need to download a free program called CDex to add the header. You can get it here CDex. The download page is a little confusing but the file you need is the windows exe version (cdex_170b2_ enu.exe)
With CDex use "Convert > "Add a RIFF wav header to mp2/mp3" to produce a file that will be virtually identical to the mp3 file but will have the .wav suffix and can be embedded using either of the techniques in Embedding Sound Files. The headered file should be found in the same folder as the original mps file.
If you are starting with a wav file and want to coonvert it to mp3 to reduce it's size then CDex will do this too. Choose convert > WAV files to Compressed Audio. Before you do this check Options>Settings > Filename tab and make sure you know where the converted file will be saved!
Many people speak of RIFF wav files as a special type of wav file. This is not the case RIFF stands for "Resource Interchange Fle Format" and applies to all wav files . You have not converted the mp3 to a RIFF wav merely convinced PowerPoint that the mp3 IS a normal wav file. RIFF wav has however slipped into technically incorrect common usage to mean an mp3 file with a wav header.
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John Wilson Microsoft MVP


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